WM Working Models www.iModel.org/wm
This model type implements a Simple direction selective neuron using a single space-time-oriented Gabor filter.
Configuring the Model
These parameters set the basic simulation settings:
- sscale - spatial resolution (degrees/pixel)
- tscale - temporal resolution (samples per second)
- xn - filter x-axis spatial extent (pixels)
- yn - filter y-axis spatial extent (pixels)
- tn - duration of the model (sampling units)
ds_simp_01 models use a <filter> object that specifies parameters for the spatiotemporal RFs. These models use a 'Gabor' type filter.
Spike Generation
ds_simp_01 models require a <spike_gen> object that defines the method of spike generation from the final filter output.
Model Outputs
Model Components
The spatial filters for each of the four component subunits can be output using the <filter> object's 'write_filter' option. If Poisson spike generation is used, then the output firing probability can be written to a .pl file using the 'spike_dump' option in <spike_gen>.
Model Responses
The following response types can be requested:
- spikes - spike times
Models of This Type