Frontoparallel Motion Tuned:
These are the canonical FP models shown in Figure 5 of the manuscript.
These models are the binocular versions of the example component and pattern cell fits
from Rust et al., that we showed in Figures 3 and 4 of the manuscript. These use the
specfic MT weight distributions from the fits Rust et al. obtained for their examples of a
strongly component and pattern-type cell. Strictly monocular versions of these models are
also available (see the V5_ME model page).
V5_ME_Binoc.a, the example cell in Figure 4A and 8A of Rust et al. (2006).
V5_ME.Binoc.e, the example cell in Figure 4E and 8E of Rust et al. (2006).
3D Motion Tuned:
These are the 3D motion tuned models that produced the results shown in Figures 7 and 8.
3D Motion Biased Cell:
The 3D motion biased model we present in Figure 10 is a variation of our canonical FP
component model with an added MT imbalance. Here is a link to an edited version of the model
file with the additional MT imbalance.
Binocular V1 Models:
There are two parameters that adjust binocular integration at the V1 stages of our models:
- V1 ocular dominance is determined by the parameter binoc_balance. This parameter
takes values between 0.5 and 1.0, with a value of 0.5 setting equal mixing (50/50) of left
and right eye signals for all V1 channels, and a value of 1.0 setting the V1 channels to be
purely monocular (this is the default value).
- The order of operations for motion opponency and binocular integration in V1 is set by
the parameter early_mix_stage. This can take values of 'linear', 'normalized' or
'opponent', with binocular integration occurring after the indicated stage, or 'none'
indicating no V1 binocular mixing (default is 'none').
Here we provide FP and 3DT versions of component and pattern models with
set to 0.5 and
early_mix_stage set to 'opponent'. Results from only the pattern models
are shown in
Figure 11 of the manuscript.
Binocular Disparity Models:
There are two parameters controlling computation of binocular disparity at the V1
binocular integration stage of our models:
- The parameter disparity_flag turns disparity computation on (1) or off (0, default).
- The parameter disparity_norm sets the signals used for normalization of the
monocular V1 signals prior to disparity computation (default is 1 - motion energy)
Here we provide FP and 3DT versions of component and pattern models with binocular disparity
shown in
Figure 12 of the manuscript.