Supplemental Data 2
Linear DS cell model without the DS time delay.

To demonstrate how the stimulus dependence of CCGs is shaped by relative timing between inputs in the linear model, we made a modified model in which we eliminated the DS time delay in the LGN_D population. In this network, the total amount of input to the DS cell remains unchanged in comparison with the standard Linear model because the input units are identical. However the relative timing of the inputs that is necessary for producing selective responses for preferred and antipreferred directions is disrupted. Here we present direction tuning data for this model, DS_Simp.NoDelay, as well as additional data for gratings at preferred and antipreferred directions with more trials.

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Link to parameter file: DS_Simp.NoDelay

Direction series, drifting gratings Please get a Java compatible browser to see this.
Drifting gratings at 0 and 180 degrees Please get a Java compatible browser to see this.


Direction Tuning:

Data for all populations Please get a Java compatible browser to see this.

Preferred and Antipreferred direction gratings:

Data are presented in separate viewers for each DS unit, including spikes from all input EX and EX_D units, as well as the strongest weighted LGN/LGN_D and IN/IN_D units presynaptic to that DS cell.

Data for connections presynaptic to:
DS_0_0 DS_0_1 DS_1_0 DS_1_1
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