(A) CCGs for all EX_D connections to DS 0_1 in the uniform weight Presynaptic Delay model with 4 DS inputs at the preferred direction.
(B) CCG peak amplitudes vs. input firing rate for all EX_D connections to DS 0_1 in the uniform weight Presynaptic Delay model at the preferred direction.
(C) CCGs for all EX_D connections to DS 0_1 in the uniform weight Presynaptic Delay model with 4 DS inputs at stimulus direction = 337 degrees.
(D) CCG peak amplitudes vs. input firing rate for all EX_D connections to DS 0_1 in the uniform weight Presynaptic Delay model at stimulus direction = 337 degrees.
(E to I) Direction tuning curves in the uniform weight model with 4 DS inputs.