Figure 8
CCG amplitude varies with input number and weight.

(A) Each CCG is from a different circuit where the number of inputs is varied, and all inputs have the same synaptic weight, as indicated in the legend. The CCGs shown are computed from the same connection (EX_D_6_5_1 to DS 0_1) in each circuit.
(B) Peak CCG amplitudes for all EX_D connections to DS 0_1 as number and weight of input connections is varied.

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Preferred direction drifting grating at 10 Hz Please get a Java compatible browser to see this.


Data are presented in separate viewers for each model, including spikes from DS 0_1, all its input EX and EX_D units, and the strongest weighted LGN/LGN_D and IN/IN_D units presynaptic to DS 0_1.

Uniform weight model with total number of DS inputs n:
4 8 13 24 35
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Figure 8