Figure 5A-D
PSTHs as TF and direction are varied for 2 EX units that form a DS subunit in the suppressive Presynaptic Delay model.

PSTHs are plotted for the units EX 6_6_2 (black traces) and EX_D 6_6_2 (blue traces) in response to drifting gratings at TF = 10 Hz, preferred (A) and antipreferred (B) directions; and TF = 1 Hz, preferred (C) and antipreferred (D) directions. These EX units form a DS subunit providing input to DS 1_1.

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Temporal frequency series, preferred and antipreferred directions Please get a Java compatible browser to see this.


Data are presented in separate viewers for each DS unit, including spikes from all input EX and EX_D units, as well as the strongest weighted LGN/LGN_D and IN/IN_D units presynaptic to that DS cell.

Data for connections presynaptic to:
DS 0_0 DS 0_1 DS 1_0 DS 1_1
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Figure 5A-D