1/2 Reichardt Detector from Two Gabor Filters
This model is inspired by the Reichardt Detector (RD). It consists of
the product of the outputs of two linear Gabor filters that are in
quadrature phase. The signal from the even Gabor filter is delayed
before the multiplication. This is a non-opponent model, and
thus only 1/2 of a typical Reichardt detector.
- Reichardt W (1957) Autokorrelationsauswertung als
Funktionsprinzip des Zentralnervensystems. Zeitschrift für
Naturforschung, Teil B. 12:447--457.
- Reichardt W (1961) Autocorrelation, a principle for the
evaluation of sensory information by the central nervous system. In:
Sensory Communication, Rosenblith WA, ed. pp 303--317. MIT Press,
Cambridge, MA.

The visual stimulus is processed by two linear Gabor filters (even and
odd) that are in quadrature. The filters have a separable temporal
profile (not shown) that consists of a biphasic temporal function
built from the difference of two Maxwell distribution functions. The
output from the even filter is delayed and the signals are then
multiplied. The final output is scaled, half-wave rectified, and used
to generate Poisson spikes.