Response requestΒΆ
Generic save:
save_as_XXX</b> [data_type] [sampling] [data_ID]
- where,
- XXX - a unique name to be used as the record name in the response file.
- data_type - “s” or “f” for spikes or float data.
- sampling - given in samples/s
- data_ID - a particular identifier that is associated with a signal within the model.
Population unit:
save_pop_unit_as_XXX</b> [data_type] [sampling] [pop_name] [x] [y] [z] [data_ID]
- where,
- XXX - a unique name to be used as the record name in the response file.
- data_type - “s” or “f”
- sampling - given in samples/s
- pop_name - name of a population within the model.
- x,y,z - coordinates of unit within population
- data_ID - a particular identifier that is associated with a signal within the model.
Population grid:
save_pop_grid_as_XXX</b> [data_type] [sampling] [pop_name] [x0] [y0] [z0] [xn] [yn] [zn] [data_ID]
- where,
- XXX - a unique name to be used as the record name in the response file.
- data_type - “s” or “f”
- sampling - given in samples/s
- pop_name - name of a population layer within the model.
- x0,y0,z0 - initial coordinates of grid (0...)
- xn,yn,zn - number of units along each dimension (1...)
- data_ID - a particular identifier that is associated with a signal within the model.
Population layer:
save_pop_layer_as_XXX</b> [data_type] [sampling] [pop_name] [data_ID]
- where,
- XXX - a unique name to be used as the record name in the response file.
- data_type - “s” or “f”
- sampling - given in samples/s
- pop_name - name of a population layer within the model.
- data_ID - a particular identifier that is associated with a signal within the model.
All layers:
save_pop_all_XXX</b> [data_type] [sampling]
- where,
- XXX - is now a data_ID, names will be pop names followed by coordinates.