Architecture / Anatomy statisticsΒΆ

Commands can be added to the response file to cause the model to report a variety of metrics that describe the architecture and anatomy of the model.

Cell attributes

To write a text file that contains the value of an attribute:

astat_unit_attrib_layer [pop_name] [attrib_name] [outfile]
  • pop_name is the name of the population of units
  • attrib_name is the name of the attribute
  • outfile is the name of the text file to be written

The format of each line in the text file is:

[pop_name] [xi] [yi] [zi] [attrib_name] [value]

where xi, yi and zi are the coordinates of the unit, and value is the value of the attribute. Possible attribute names are,

  • conetype
  • phase
  • ocdom
  • ori
  • ori_cv
  • sf
  • sz1

LGN Projections

  • astat_lgn_proj_layer - population name (Comment this out to prevent stat.)
  • astat_scale_factor_x - scale factor for x-axis distance, for asym. CMF
  • astat_lgn_proj_eye - -1=Left (default), 1=Right
  • astat_lgn_proj_onflag - 1-ON cells, 0-OFF cells
  • astat_lgn_proj_x0 - x-coor for analysis window, lower left (units)
  • astat_lgn_proj_y0 - y-coor for analysis window, lower left (units)
  • astat_lgn_proj_xn - width of analysis window (units)
  • astat_lgn_proj_yn - height of analysis window (units)
  • astat_exit - 1-exit after computing statistics (1=default), 0-do not exit

Statistics columns in outfile are:

  1. LGN x index (int)
  2. LGN y index (int)
  3. ON or OFF (char) and L or R
  4. Post-syn. layer (char)
  5. ‘n’ (char)
  6. Number of connections (int)
  7. ‘p1’ (char)
  8. x-index in post-syn. layer of p1 (int)
  9. y-index in post-syn. layer of p1 (int)
  10. ‘p2’ (char)
  11. x-index in post-syn. layer of p2 (int)
  12. y-index in post-syn. layer of p2 (int)
  13. ‘d’ (char)
  14. Max. connection dist. microns, p1 to p2 (float)
  15. ‘sd’ (char)
  16. SD of x-positions, microns, of all synapses (float)
  17. SD of y-positions, microns, of all synapses (float)

Cone inputs

To compute the fraction of inputs to a given layer of a given cone type:

  • astat_lms_input_post - name of post-synaptic layer
  • astat_lms_input_pre - name of pre-synaptic layer
Statistics columns in outfile are:
  1. Post-syn cell name
  2. ‘ON_SML’
  3. Number of ON S inputs (int)
  4. Number of ON M inputs (int)
  5. Number of ON L inputs (int)
  6. ‘OFF_SML’
  7. Number of OFF S inputs (int)
  8. Number of OFF M inputs (int)
  9. Number of OFF L inputs (int)