The customize
command allows properties of a specific cell to
be modified.
Delete all synapses where the specified pre-synaptic unit is involved in a synaptic interaction as index 0 and where the post-syn unit is in the specified layer:
<customize> type synapse_delete # Delete synapses between units unit_pre exs_11_11_0 # Pre-synaptic unit layer_post ds # Post-synaptic layer name si_index 0 # Synaptic interaction index </customize>
Adjust all synapses between the specified pre-synaptic unit and the post-synaptic layer. Currently, if there is a synaptic interaction, the weight only gets adjusted if the pre-syn unit has cell index 0:
<customize> type synapse_adjust # Adjust synaptic weight unit_pre exs_11_11_0 # Pre-synaptic unit layer_post ds # Post-synaptic layer name syn_weight 6.23 # Synaptic weight </customize>
Add a synapse between the specified pre-synaptic unit and the post-synaptic unit (layers not impl’d yet):
<customize> type synapse_add # Add a synapse unit_pre exs_11_11_0 # Pre-synaptic unit unit_post ds_0_0_0 # Post-synaptic unit syn_weight 6.23 # Synaptic weight syn_tdelay 0.0 # Time delay (s), axon transit time syn_type 1 # Synaptic type, 1-ex, 2-in </customize>